2009-12-29 02:06:06 UTC
Lire The dailystar!
Il est écrit: participation à la marche d'un juif de 85 ans, survivant de l'holocauste :
“We [even] have people in their 70s and 80s. Quite a large portion of the people are of Jewish decent. One is an 85-year-old Holocaust survivor,” said Medea Benjamin.
On trouve aussi:
1. LA MARCHE: the “Gaza Freedom March”
UNITED NATIONS: More than 50,000 people are expected to take to the streets of Gaza on December 31 for a mass march designed to send a message to the United States, a key supporter of Israel’s army, that the situation in Gaza violates international human rights laws. The idea behind the “Gaza Freedom March” comes from CODEPINK, a women’s peace group committed to drawing attention to the humanitarian crisis in the occupied territories, among other campaigns.
2. CRIMES DEGUERRE:Rapport Goldstone
Organizers say the main catalyst for the mobilization was the Goldstone Report, commissioned by the United Nations and written by renowned South African jurist Richard Goldstone. The 575-page report, released in September, ....
However, the report was particularly critical of Israel, calling the military campaign “a deliberately disproportionate attack designed to punish, humiliate, and terrorize a civilian population, radically diminish its local economic capacity both to work and to provide for itself, and to force upon it an ever increasing sense of dependency and vulnerability.”
It also described Israel’s longstanding economic blockade of Gaza a form of “collective punishment” against the population and cited a number of attacks on civilian targets during the operation for which there was “no justifiable military objective.”
2. LA BARBARIE CONTINUE/SITUATION ATROCE RESULTANT D'UN BLOCAGE INHUMAIN...According to statistics compiled in 2008 by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), there are 1,059,584 refugees in living in impoverished conditions in Gaza. The blockade has created a situation where often even basic supplies of medicine and food cannot pass through Israeli checkpoints.
Note aux sionistes propagndistes de la rubrique: du calme, changez vos tactiques: il ne sert à rien de supprimer cette question...elle sera répétée autant que nécéssaire!