israel est il un état ou un porte avions américain?
2007-08-16 11:41:01 UTC
Plus que jamais, la société sioniste vit le cauchemar de la fin de leur état artificiel, la chose qui stresse cette société. La guerre de l'été dernier, a reveillé dans la conscience israelienne toutes les autres guerres arabes et libanaises et les deux intifadhas palestiniennes. Cette société venue de tous les coins de la terre s'est rendue compte que la terre de la Palestine est encore impenetrable pour eux. L'image du dur tsahal et de l'état en sécurité a révélé sa fausseté l'année dernièré. On croit que la guerre de l'été dernier a rénové l'angoisse existentielle dans la société sioniste. Quelques uns se sont rappellés les prédictions de l'echec annoncé par les premiers fondateurs de l'état sioniste. Le père d'israel david ben gourion a dit: "israel peut vaincre les arabes cent fois, mais si elle echoue une seule fois se serait sa fin et sa perte". Aussi le célèbre ministre de guerre moshe dayan a fait allusion auparavant à la fragilité de l'état hébreux étant donné selon son expression que cet état est greffé dans une region qui le rejette. Il a dit de son vivant: "israel est un coeur greffé dans la région, mais les autres organes c'est à dire les arabes refusent d'accepter ce coeur gréffé, c'est pour cela que nous n'avons pas le choix que de réanimer ce coeur par des dopants, pour vaincre ce refus". Après plus que quarante ans de ce discours on voit que l'injection des dopants pour le coeur israelien rencontre des difficultés, qui se basent essentiellement dans la dure institution militaire qui a reçue dans la guerre de l'été dernier sa plus grande défaite morale. Dans un des derniers sondages de l'armée israelienne, 26% seulement des soldats apprécient l'armée. Ils étaient 61% avant deux ans. 15% seulement des soldats israeliens croient que leur image est satisfaisante dans les médias. Ils étaient 50% en 2005. Ce sentiment d'inferiorité se traduit par le refus du service militaire dans l'armée israelienne qui atteind le sommet de 40% des jeunes. Ce qui a poussé le nouveau ministere de guerre ehud barak à hurler en disant que: "l'armée se transforme pas par pas de l'amée du peuple à l'armée de la moitié du peuple". Le plus dur est que le reve du père du sionisme theodor herzl est devenu incertain. L'état hébreux n'est plus le refuge paisible du peuple juif, ne serait ce pour les générations futurs. Un sondage d'opinion fait par yediot aharonot montre que 68% des jeunes israeliens entre 15 et 18 ans considèrent que la situation est mauvaise et 50% préfèrent aller vivre ailleurs. Plus que jamais les israeliens sentent que leur installation en Palestine est plus couteuse que ne l'a imaginé les premiers fondateurs. Plusieurs d'entre eux ne cessent de répéter le poème du poète israelien haim jori: " Ce sol a toujours soif et il veut toujours
plus de cimitieres et plus de cerceuils
Dans la naissance se trouve la mort, et dans le début se trouve la fin."
Dix-sept réponses:
2007-08-16 12:26:42 UTC
c'est quoi cette chose que tu ose appeler "état" , tu peux me tuer je ne le reconnaîtrai jamais ...
2007-08-16 15:02:31 UTC
Ce n'est pas un état.
2007-08-16 14:21:06 UTC
List of Martyrs of Al-Aqsa Intifada

Total: 313 Martyrs - 300 Martyrs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip and 13 Martyrs from inside the Green Line

Total of wounded in Gaza Strip and West Bank: 10,097

Friday 29 Sept. 2000

1. Bilal Afaneh, 29 Old Years from Abu Deis

2. Muhammad Hussein Farah from Um al-Fahem (Inside the Green Line)

3. Yihya Faraj, 17 Old Years from Ramallah.

4. Ousama Jadeh, from Jerusalem

5. Haitham Oweida from Al-Thouri neighborhood – Jerusalem

6. Nidal Shweiki – From Jerusalem

Saturday 30 Sept.

1. Khaled Bazyan, 15, from Nablus

2. Zakariyya Kilani, 27, from Sirees in Jenin

3. Mahmoud Darweesh Anbar, 24, Nablus

4. Mahmoud Rweished, 20, from Nablus but resides in Jordan

5. Mohammed Tawfiq Qalaq, 22, from Tulkarem Camp

6. Amjad Abdallah Daraghmeh 22, from Toubas

7. Imad Asheh from Nablus;

8. Mohammed Jihad Abdul Razeq from Nablus

9. Nizar Mahmoud Eedeh, 16, Ramallah

10. Bassam Bilbeisi, 45, from Gaza

11. Rami Jamal al-Durra, 12, from Gaza

12. Mohammed Nabil al-Atel, 16, from Gaza

13. Maher Rajab Obeid from Gaza

Sunday 1st Oct.

1. Jihad Mahmoud Aloul, 23, from Nablus

2. Iyad Mohammed Kashashi, 17, from Nablus

3. Mustafa Mohammed Ramadan, 22, from the national security forces in Nablus

4. Husam Naim Bakheet, 19, from Nablus

5. Mohammed Nabil Hamed, 16, from al-Bireh

6. Imad Abdul Rahman Anati, 17, from Am'ari refugee camp

7. Samer Tabanja, 10, from Nablus

8. Salah al-Faqeeh, 25, from Qatannah town.

9. Mohammed Jaber Radi, 10, from Rafah - Gaza

10. Sami Fathi Taramsi, 19, from Sheikh Radwan neighborhood – Gaza

11. Ahmad Hatem Jabareen, from Um al-Fahem (Inside the Green Line)

12. Rami Hatem Ghara, 21 from Jet al-Muthalat village (Inside the Green Line)

Monday 2nd Oct.

1. Sara Abdul Atheem Abdul Haq, 18 months old, from Talfeet, Nablus

2. Ahmad Ibrahim Syam, 20, from Um al-Fahem (Inside the Green line)

3. Rami Hatem Gharra, 19, from al-Jet - (Inside the Green line)

4. Iyad Subhi Lawabneh, 20, Nazareth (Inside the Green line)

5. Ala' Khaled Nassar, 23, Arabet al-Battouf (Inside the Green line)

6. Waleed Abdul Min'em Abu Saleh, 21, Sakhneen (Inside the Green line)

7. Imad Ghazi al-Nabeeh, 19, Gaza

8. Hatem Abdul Azeez Najjar, 27, Gaza

9. Salah Abu Qneis, 20, Gaza

10. Misleh Hussein Ibrahim Jarad, 17, from Der al-Balah but died in Um al-Fahem

11. Ahmad Sami Fayyad, 23, from Gaza

12. Hussein Abdul Lateef Qur'an from Ramallah

13. Mohammed Masri from Ramallah

14. Ibrahim Sameeh Nayef Barahmeh, 27, Jericho who was visiting from Jordan

15. Mohammed Amin al-Sajdi, 19, Aqabet Jaber Camp in Jericho

16. Wael Tayseer Qattawi, 16, Balatah Camp in Nablus Clinically Death

17. Mohammed Hasan Dakheel, 26, Balatah Camp in Nablus (Clinical death)

18. Amjad Maher al-Zar'I, 26, from Jenin (Clinical death)

19. Husam Ismail Hamshari, 15, from Tulkarem (Clinical death).

Tuesday 3rd Oct.

1. Fahmi Abu Amouneh, 30 from Nuseirat Refugee Camp - Gaza

2. Khadra Ahmad Salameh, 57 from Faqou'a village - Jenin

3. Omar Mohammed Suleiman, 20, Bet Lahia

4. An anonymous 18-year old martyr who was injured in the face

5. Ahmad Ali Nabrisi from Old Askar Camp in Nablus

6. Ismail Shihdeh Shamlakh, 27, from Gaza

7. Mohammed Younes Za'amreh from Halhoul

8. Husam Ismail Hamshari, 16, from Tulkarem

9. Mohammed Fawzi Sourkhi, 21 from Sawahreh Sharqiyye (Palestinian National Security Forces)

10. Mahmoud Imwasi, 23, from Beitounia (Palestinian National Security Forces) Clinically Death

11. Shareef Ashour, 30, (clinical death)

12. Khaled Hameed, 17, from Rafah (clinical death)

13. Mohammed Sami al-Hams, 14, from Rafah (clinical death)

14. Lieut. Talal al-Bsous, 24, from Gaza (clinical death).

Wednesday 4th Oct.

1. Mohammed Yousef Abu Asi, 9, Gaza

2. Ayman Deeb al-Loh, 21, Gaza

3. Ala' Hasan Barghouthi, 21, from Aboud village in Ramallah

4. Mohannad Wadee' Fares Na'se, 20 from Der al-Ghsoun

5. Mahmoud Lutfi Massad, 22 from Burqein in Jenin

6. Arafat Atrash, 19, from Hebron. Clinically Death

7. Faraj Abdallah Ashour, 20 Gaza (clinical death)

Thursday 5th Oct.

1. Salameh Saleh Ziadat, 20 from Jericho

2. Mahmoud Saleh Sbeiteh from Gaza

3. Mustafa Fararjeh from Bethlehem

Friday 6th Oct.

1. Majdi Maslamani, 15 from Beit Hanina, Jerusalem

2. Marwan Abdul Raziq Shamlakh, 23, Gaza

3. Lu'ay Abdullah Muqayad, 20, Jabalia, Gaza

4. Wajid Abu Awad, 21, Gaza

5. Rashad Hussein Al-Najar, 22, Maghazi Refugee Camp, Gaza

6. Saleh al Rayati, 18, Rafah, Gaza

7. Zuheir Zriq Darabieh, 24 Jabalia, Gaza.

8. Diya' Abdul Rahman Issa, 19, Nablus

9. Eyad Eshtayeh, Nablus

10. Muhammed Khaled Tamam, 18, Tulkarem Clinically Death

11. Muhammed Judeh, 11, Jerusalem (clinical death)

12. Rashad Isma'eel Najar, 24, Maghazi Refugee Camp, Gaza (clinical death)

Saturday 7th Oct.

1. Muhammed Khaled Awad, 22, from Deir Hatab Nablus

2. Rashad Isma'eel Najar, 24, Maghazi Refugee Camp, Gaza

3. Hisham Mukbel, Gaza

Sunday 8th Oct.

1. Omar Mohammed Akkawi, 42, from Nazareth (inside the Green Line)

2. Husam Hamdan Yazbak, 26 from Nazareth (inside the Green Line)

Monday 9th Oct.

1. Issam Joudeh, 40, from Um Safa village in Ramallah

2. Yousef Thyab Khalaf, 18, from Breij Refugee Camp in Gaza

3. Abdul Hamid Taye' Abdul Hamid, 18, from Mazra'a Sharqiyye village in Ramallah

4. Ali Sayel Sweidan, 25, from Azzoun village in Qalqilya.

Tuesday 10th Oct.

1. Karam Omar Qanan, 17, from Khan Younes - Gaza

2. Sami Hasan Salim Salma, 17 from Tulkarem

Wednesday 11th Oct.

1. Khalil Bader, from Beit Duqo in Jerusalem

2. Sami Abu Jazar, 10, from Rafah - Gaza

3. Maher Ismaeel Mutlaq, from Jama'een village near Salfeet - Nablus

4. Muhammed Saleh Edwan, from Kufl Haris - Nablus

Friday 13th Oct.

1. Ala' Usama Hamdan Abdul Azeez, 10, from Sawyieh village - The military checkpoints set by the Israeli troops at the entrances of Nablus city prevented the Palestinian girl from arriving to the hospital for two consecutive days which led her to death.

Monday 16th Oct.

1. Raed Yacoub Hammoudeh, 30, from al-Bireh

2. Misbah Abdul Qader Abu Ma'tuq, 28 Rafah

3. Mu'ayyad Usama al-Jawareesh, 14, from Ayda Refugee Camp in Bethlehem

Tuesday 17th Oct.

1. Nabil Said Abed Khater, 42, was killed near Bet Hanoun - Gaza

2. Fareed Nasasreh, 28, from Bet Foureek - Nablus

3. Mohammed Hasan Dakheel, 26, from Nablus

4. Ashraf Habayeb, 14, from Askar Camp in Nablus

Wednesday 18th Oct.

1. Ibrahim Abdul Rahman Daoud al-Alami, 25, from Bet Ummar in Hebron

Thursday 19th Oct.

1. Zahi Al-Anbar, 34, from Askar Refugee Camp - Nablus

Friday 20th Oct.

1. Tha'er Dawood 'Emer, 18, from Al-Ama'ri Refugee Camp - Ramallah

2. Firas Khalil Zeid, 26, from Toubas - Nablus

3. Amjad Abu Issa, 32, from Kufr Qalil - Nablus

4. Adnan Muhammed Kheir Eddine, 20, from Balata al-Balad- Nablus

5. Issa Eshtawi Fa'our, 32, from Balata Refugee Camp - Nablus

6. Ala' Bani Numra, 13, from Salfit - Nablus

7. Nidal Bassan Abu Shaqra, 20 from Jenin

8. Muhammed Adel Abu Tahoun, 16, from Tulkarem

9. Samer Talal 'Aweisee, 16, from Qalqilya Clinically Death

10. Sa'ed Tambour, 18 from Nablus (Clinical Death)

Saturday 21st Oct.

1. Omar al-Behesee, 15, from Gaza

2. Fayez Mahmoud Qeimari, 32, from Hebron

3. Tareq Abdul Rahman al-Hantouli, 19, from Jenin

4. Majid Ibrahim Hawamdeh, 15, from al-Tireh - Ramallah Clinically Death

5. Mohammed Fawzi al-Najjar, 13, From Khan Younis - Gaza (Clinical Death)

Sunday 22nd Oct.

1. Na'el Ali Za'amreh, 25, from Halhoul

2. Imad Ismail Hawamdeh, 23, from Samou' village - Hebron

3. Wa'el Mohammed Imad, 14, from Jabalia - Gaza

4. Salah Fawzi Nijem, 15, Gaza.

Monday 23rd Oct.

1. Abdul Azeez Taha Abu Sneineh, 55, from Hebron died yesterday after his house was shelled by the occupation troops.

2. Nada Sa'ad Srouji, 52, from Tulkarem Camp - Tulkarem died of a heart attack when occupation troops were tracking her down and threatening her with their guns to stop her from crossing the checkpoint in Taybeh

3. Saed Tanbour, 17, from Nablus

4. Ashraf Habayeb, 24, from Askar Refugee Camp- Nablus

Tuesday 24th Oct.

1. Nimer Yousef Miri, 23, from Kufr Dan - Jenin

2. Nidal Mohammed al-Dbeiki, 16, from Tuffah Quarter in Gaza

3. Iyad Usama Sha'th, 12, from Khan Younes - Gaza

Thursday 26th Oct.

1. Ala' Mohammed Mahfouth, 14, from Al-Aroub Refugee Camp, Hebron

2. Faraj al-Ar'eer, 24, from Shuja'iyye - Gaza executed a suicide operation through blasting an explosive device he carried on his bike as he was coming close to occupation soldiers stationed near Matahen Juncture south of Gaza Strip.

Friday 27th Oct.

1. Aziz Yousef Al-Tineh, 32, from Jericho Clinically Death

2. Fadi Amin Dabaya, 22, from Jenin Camp - Jenin

Saturday 28th Oct.

1. Ghassan Yousef Awaiseh, 27, from Ramallah

2. Basheer Saleh Shweleit, 16, from Qalailya.

3. Jaber Ahmad al-Mishal, 23, from Gaza

4. Muhammed Ahmad Qasem, 28, from Tulkarem

Monday 29th Oct.

1. Housni Hasan al-Najjar, 15, from Rafah

2. Twin brothers Bilal & Hilal Rashad Nimer Abu Salah, 20, from Ya'bad town - Jenin

3. Hilal Rashad Nimer Abu Salah, from Ya'bad town - Jenin.

4. Fadi Amin Dabaya, 22, from Jenin Refugee Camp - Jenin.

5. Shadi Abdallah Sholi, 23, from Asira Shamaliyeh - Nablus

6. Ismat Khalil Mohammed Saber, 34, from Nablus

7. Samir Mousa Eloueh, 31, from Gaza Clinically Death

8. Thaer Arda, 18, from Nablus (Clinically Death)

Tuesday 31th Oct.

1. Shadi Awad Nimer Odeh, 17, from Zaytoun neighborhood - Gaza

2. Hazem Musa Theeb Abu Daf, 22, from Zaytoun neighborhood - Gaza

3. Mohammed Khazza' Halas, from Shujayyiye neighborhood - Gaza

4. Mahmoud Ahmad Abul Kheir, 20, from Shujayyie neighborhood - Gaza

5. Tha'er Ibrahim Zeid, 17, from Jalazon Refugee Camp - Ramallah Clinincally Death

6. Saleem Harbi Mohammed Matariyye, 34, a member in the Palestinian national security forces - from Ramallah

Wednesday 1st Nov.

1. Mohammed Mahmoud al-Hroub, 30, from Der Samet and a member in the national security forces - Bethlehem

2. Wa'el Shueib Mohammed Ghneim, from al-Khader village - Bethlehem

3. Saleem Matariyye, 37, from Bethlehem

4. Marwan Taye' Juma' Assaf, 21, from Foukeen Valley village - Bethlehem

5. Ahmad Suleiman Abu Tayeh, 14, from Shujayyie Camp - Gaza

6. Mohammed Ibrahim Hajjaj, 14, from Shujayyie Camp - Gaza

7. Ibrahim Rizeq, 15, from Shate' Camp - Gaza

Thursday 2nd Nov.

1. Khaled Rizeq al-Khateeb, 17, from Hizma village - Jerusalem

2. Yazan Halayqa, 19, from al-Khader - Bethlehem

3. Adli Obeid, 23, from Sheikh Radwan - Gaza

Friday 3rd Nov.

1. Mahmoud Abdel Jawad Saeed, 19, from Hizma village - Jerusalem

2. Rami Ahmad Abdul Fatah Mutawe', 15, from Hizma village - Jerusalem

3. Nahed Fathi Ahmad al-Louh, 21, from Deir al-Balah - Gaza

Saturday 4th Nov.

1. Hind Qweider, 23 day - old baby, from Hebron (died from Gas suffocation) Clinically Death

2. Ghazaleh Jawdat Jaradat, 14, from Hebron (clinically death)

Sunday 5th Nov.

1. Maher Mohammed al-Saidi, 16, from Breij Refugee Camp - Gaza.

2. Marwan Khalil al-Ghamri, 28, from Shujayyie - Gaza

Monday 6th Nov.

1. Mohammed Nawwaf al-Ta'ban, 17, from Der al-Balah - Gaza

2. Palestinian child Wajdi Allam Hattab, 14, from Tulkarem

3. Mohammed Mustafa al-Jazzar, 17, from Rafah

Tuesday 7th Nov.

1. A child Ahmad Amin al-Khafash, 7, from Maradah village - Salfeet

2. Saeed Hameed Abu Khatleh, 24, from Rafah City - Gaza

3. Abdallah Khaled Amarneh, 24, from Doha City - Bethlehem

4. Mohammad Abdallah Abdul Razeq Deriyye, 70, from Aqraba village - Nablus

Wednesday 8th Nov.

1. Ra'ed Abdul Majid Daoud, 14, from Hares Village - Salfeet

2. Khalil Yousef Abu Sa'ed, 18, from Jabalia Camp - Gaza

3. Fares Fa'eq Odeh, 14, from Zaytoun neighborhood - Gaza

4. Mohammed Misbah Abu Ghali, 16, from Amal neighborhood in Khan Younes - Gaza

5. Mohammed Nimer Mahani, 24, from Shujayyie - Gaza

6. Ibrahim Fouad Qassas, 13, from Khan Younes - Gaza

7. Khallad Fayez Abu Zahra, 18 from Tulkarem Clinically Death

8. Ayman Salah Wadi, 18 from Gaza

Thursday 9th Nov.

1. Fateh Cadre Hussein Mohammed Salem Ubeyyat, 37 from Beit Sahour (Assassinated by Israeli occupation military helicopters ).

2. Rahmeh Rashid Shaheen, 53, from Bet Sahour (The Israeli occupation helicopters launched three rockets at two civilian cars in Bet Sahour, she was close to the scene)

3. Azeezeh Mohammed Danoun, 56, from Bet Sahour (The Israeli occupation helicopters launched three rockets at two civilian cars in Bet Sahour, she was close to the scene)

Friday 10th Nov.

1. Ousama Samir Al-Jarjawi, 17 from Al-Darj neighbourhood - Gaza

2. Muhammed Ali Muhammed Hamed, 23 from Jabalia Camp - Gaza

3. Ra'ed Saedi Jamil Muhtaseb, 24 from Hebron

4. A Child Ousama Mazen Azouka, 14 from Jenin

5. Eyad Fawzi Muhammed Fahmawi, 25 from Jenin

Saturday 11th Nov.

1. Munther Hamdi Yaseen, 23, from Sheikh Radwan neighborhood - Gaza

2. Mohammed Yaseen al-Madhoun, 22, from Shate' Camp - Gaza

3. A child Mousa Ibrahim al-Dibes, 15, from Tal Za'tar Camp - Gaza

4. Ayman Salah Wadi, 20, from Khan Younes in Gaza.

5. Munib Mohammed Barakat Abu Munshar, 17, from Hebron

6. Hani Abdallah Marzouq, 32, from Jenin

7. Usama Khalil Mas'ad al-Bawwab, 28, from al-Bireh

8. Majed Hussein Radwan al-Jarou, 30, from al-Bireh

Sunday 12th Nov.

1. Nafez Abu Naji, 16, from Gaza

Monday 13th Nov.

1. Mohammed Naser Taweel, 18 from Khan Younes - Gaza

2. Yahyia Nayef Abu Shamaleh, 17 from Khan Younes - Gaza

3. Ahmad Hasan Yousef Dahlan, 18, from Gaza

4. Tawfiq Abdul Rahim Saleh Jeidi, 32, from Qalqilya (a member of the "Force 17")

Tuesday 14th Nov.

1. Mohammed Khater al-Ajaleh, 19 from Gaza

2. Raed Fahmi Shaqfa, 20 from Khan Younes - Gaza

3. Mustafa Mahmoud Eleyyan, 55, from Nablus

4. Saber Khamis Ibrash, 15, from Am'ari Refugee Camp - Ramallah

5. Jamal Ibrahim Ilwan, 34, from Sinjel village - Ramallah

Wednesday 15th Nov.

1. Fathi Odeh Salem Obeid, 23, from Tulkarem

2. Policeman Samer Khairi Khader, 29, from Kufr Rumman village - Tulkarem

3. Abdul Hafez Mohammad Ghrouf, 20, from Jericho

4. Ibrahim Abdul Raouf Jeidi, 15, from Qalqilya

5. Jadou' Mani' Abul Kabbash, 16, from Sammou' town - Hebron

6. Ahmad Sameer Basal, 17, from Tal Hawa neighborhhod - Gaza

7. Naser Mohammed Sharafi, 15, from Gaza

8. Ahmad Saeed Ahmad Sha'ban, 18, from Jalameh village - Jenin

9. Jihad Abu Shahmah, 12, from Khan Younes - Gaza

Israeli shelling at Bet Jala: A German citizen who resides in Bet Jala was killed due to the Israeli shelling at Bat Jala. Harry Fischer, 55, married to a Palestinian woman from Bet Jala and works in Bethlehem. He died when his neighbour house was shelled by Israeli rockers and his body was torn to pieces.

Thursday 16th Nov.

1. Yousef Suleiman Abu Awwad, 30, from Bet Ummar - Hebron

2. Samer Mohammed Hasan Al-Khdour, 18, from Fawwar Refugee Camp - Hebron

3. Samara Nimer Abdallah Nimer, 32, from Qalqilya

Friday 17th Nov.

1. Haseed Mohammed Haseed Farwan, 45 from Jericho (member of the Palestinian National Forces)

2. Khaled Abdallah Ahmad Salameh, 35 from Jericho (member of the Palestinian National Forces)

3. Muhammed Abdul Jalil Muhammed Abu Rayan, 16 from Halhoul - Hebron

4. Hamzeh Abdul Mutaleb Abu Shkhidem, 18 from Hebron

5. Mhamoud Zeid Samour, 38 from Jordan and works in Qalailya

6. Rami Imad Yaseen, 17 from al-Zaytouneh neighborhood - Gaza

Saturday 18th Nov.

1. Baha' Abu al-Saeed, 30 from Gaza (member of the Palestinian Preventive Security)

Sunday 19th Nov.

1. A child Abdul Rahman Ziyad al-Dahshan, 14 from Asqouleh quarter - Gaza

2. A Policeman Naser Mohammed Najjar, 35 from Khan Younes - Gaza (died from Gas suffocation)

3. Ra'fat Muhib Ibrahim Joudeh, 22, from Zawata village - Nablus

Monday 20th Nov.

1. Abdallah Mahmoud al-Farra, 24, from Khan Younes - Gaza (member of the Palestinian National Force - killed during the shelling of Gaza)

2. Ibrahim Ahmad Othman, 16, from Rafah - Gaza

3. Hamed Qatati, 65, from Rafah - Gaza (after inhaling poisonous gases) Clinically Death

4. Ibrahim Muqanan, 15, from Khan Younes - Gaza (Clincally dead)

Tuesday 21th Nov.

1. Hammad Othman al-Smeiri, 27, from Qarara village - Gaza

2. Mohammed Suleiman Salem Abu Obeid, 32, from Der al-Balah - Gaza

3. Yasser Taleb Mohammed Nabtiti, 16, from Tulkarem

4. Mohammed Lutfi Masad, 22, from Burqein village - Jenin

5. Hussein Mohammed Mustafa Baradiyye, 35, from Soureef village - Hebron Clinically Death

6. Ahmad Shubeir, 18, from Nuseirat Refugee camp, is declared (Clinically dead)

Wednesday 22nd Nov.

1. Jamal Abdul Qader Hasan Abdul Razeq, 30 from Gaza*

2. Awni Ismail Khalil Abu Dheir, 37 from Gaza*

3. Nael Shihdeh Mohammed al-Liddawi, 22 from Gaza*

4. Sami Abu Laban, 28 from Gaza* Israeli Occupation troops killed in cold blood: An assassination crime occurred at around 10:00 a.m. when the Palestinian youths were heading towards al-Quds Open University in a cab while a helicopter which was monitoring the car coming came close to Moraj Settlement checkpoint gave orders to the tanks on the ground which blocked the road and started opening fire from their machine guns.

5. Ibrahim Muqanan, 15, from Khan Younes - Gaza

6. Najib Mohammed Mahmoud Qishtah, 47, from Rafah - Gaza

Thursday 23rd Nov.

1. Ibrahim Bani Odeh, 35, from Tamoun village - Nablus (Oone of the leaders of Izzidin Qassam Brigades. The assassination crime occured at around 2:00 pm and came through planting an explosive device in his car which exploded while he was driving it in Nablus ).

2. Child girl Maram Hassouneh, 3, from al-Bireh (died after inhaling poisonous gas shot by the occupation troops in the Balou' region at the northern entrance of al-Bireh city).

Friday 24th Nov.

1. Firas Diab Abu Hatab, 27 from Jenin (killed by Israeli special forces in front of his house)

2. Aisar Muhammed Hasees, 14 from Jenin

3. Ziyad Khalil Abu Jazar, 22, from Rafah - Gaza

4. Majdi Ali Abed, 15 from Shaja'ieh - Gaza

5. Ghassan Musalam Qar'an, 20 from Qalqilya

6. Sami Adel Nader al-Sayel, 32 from Kufr Qalil - Nablus (killed with his brother after the occupation troops shelling their house)

7. Nahed Adel Nader al-Sayel, 26 from kufr Qalil - Nablus (killed with his brother after the occupation troops shelling their house)

Saturday 25th Nov.

1. Abdul Min'em Mohammed Izziddin, 17, from Arrabeh village - Jenin

2. Amjad Azmi Mohammed Husseiniyye, 20, from Jenin Refugee Camp - Jenin

3. Fouad Adnan Dweikat, 30, from Balata Refugee Camp - Nablus

4. Tayseer Adnan Hammad Abul Arraj, 13, from Khan Younes - Gaza

Sunday 26th Nov.

1. Qusay Faisal Zahran, 22 from Qalqilya*

2. Mahmoud Yousef al-Adel, 23 from Qalqilya*

3. Mohammed Mansour Udwan, 20 from Qalqilya*

4. Ziyad Ghaleb Silmi, 20 from Qalqilya*

5. Mahdi Qasem Jabr,19, from Qalqilya* * shot dead in cold blood sunday evening by occupation soldiers in the southern region of Qalqilya city.

6. Asa'd Khalil Sharnoubi, 20, from Sabra Neighborhood - Gaza

Monday 27th Nov.

1. Waleed Hasan Abdallah al-Ja'afra, 32 from Hebron (died in Saudi Arabia where he was receiving medical treatment)

2. Zakariyya Hamoudeh Marzouq al-Khour, 18, from Sabra Neighborhood - Gaza (died after sustaining wounds)

Tuesday 28th Nov.

1. Imad Adeeb al-Dayeh, 19, from Shate' Refugee Camp - Gaza

2. Karam Fathi al-Kurd, 14, from Rafah - Gaza

3. Ibrahim Abdul Jabbar Kahleh, 24, from Rammoun village - Ramallah

Wednesday 29th Nov.

1. Mohammed Mohammed Abdallah al-Mashharawi, 14, from Tuffah neighborhood - Gaza

2. Musa Muwafi, 34, from Rafah - Gaza

3. Ashraf al-Basous, 20, from Shujaiyye neighborhood - Gaza

Thursday 30th Nov.

1. Shadi Ahmad Hasan al-Za'oul, 15, from Hosan village - Bethlehem (as the boy was going to school; the settler let the child bleed until he died)

2. Waleed Mohammed al-Badan, 17, Taqou' village - Bethlehem

3. Abdul Salam Abul Rous, 20, from Bureij Refugee Camp - Gaza

Friday 1st Dec.

1. Yaseen Ibrahim Shehadeh, 23 from Qalandia Refugee Camp - Jerusalem

2. A child Midhat Subhi Jadallah, 14 from Gaza

3. A child Muhammed Saleh Al-Arja, 12 from Rafah - Gaza

4. Hamzeh Suleiman al-Hasiss, 27 from Samou' village - Hebron

Saturday 2nd Dec.

1. Shehadeh Musa Ja'fari, 26, from Beitounia town - Ramallah ( shot dead while he was working in a building under construction)

2. Shadi Naser Abu Harbeed, 21, from Bet Hanoun - Gaza

3. Nayef Abu Daoud, 42, from Tal Rmeideh - Hebron

Tuesday 5th Dec.

1. Abdul Qader Omar Theeb Abu Laban, 21, from Dheisheh Refugee Camp - Bethlehem

2. Ramzi Adel Mohammed Bayatneh, 15, from Abu Qash village - Ramallah

Wednesday 6th Dec.

1. Subhi Ahmad Muhammed Abu Na'na', 22, from Rafah - Gaza

Thursday 7th Dec.

1. Mohammed Joudeh Asi, 30, from Gaza City (after he was shot by occupation troops following his stabbing two Israelis, killing one of them and injuring the second one at Erez Industrial Zone)

2. Zuheir Mustafa al-Hattab, 16, from Tuffah neighborhood - Gaza

Friday 8th Dec.

1. Corporal Mohammed Mahmoud Abu Shadouf, 31, from Bourqin - Jenin*

2. 1st Corporal Ziyad Mahmoud Subuh, 34 from Kufr al-Rai' - Jenin*

3. Corporal Mahmoud Abduallah Yihya, 17 from Kufr al-Rai' - Jenin*

4. Corporal Ala' Abdul Latif Abu Jaber, 17 from al-Mghaier - Jenin* All are members in the Palestinian National Security Forces were killed after Israeli military launched 4 Lao rockets at the PA National Security Forces location near the northern entrance of Jenin City.

5. Muhammed Rateb Taleb, 21 from Jenin

6. Amar Samir al-Mashni, 16 from Beit Our al-Tihta - Ramallah

7. Mu'taz Azmi Ismaeel Teelkh, 16 from Deheisheh Refugee Camp - Bethlehem Clinically Death

8. Saleem Muhammed Saleem Hamaydeh, 12 from Rafah - Gaza ( Gunshot head - Clinically Dead).

Saturday 9th Dec.

1. Saleem Mohammed Saleem al-Hamaydeh, 12, from Rafah - Gaza

Sunday 10th Dec.

1. Mohammed Yousef Moghrabi, 24, from Dheisheh Refugee Camp - Bethlehem

2. Hikmat Abdul Mahdi Hanani, 20, from Bet Foureek village - Nablus Clinically Death

3. Ahmad Ali Darweesh Qawasmi, 14, after he was shot in cold blood last Friday at Shallaleh Street - Hebron (Clinical death)

Monday 11th Dec.

1. Ahmad Ali Qawasmi, 14, from Hebron

2. Anwar Hamran, 28, from Arrabah villager in Jenin - [In Nablus, the occupation troops assassinated Hamran who was an active member in the Islamic Jihad Movement; the troops stationed at al-Tour Mt. shot around 20 bullets at Hamran who was at his work in one of the libraries near al-Quds Open University where he was studying].

Tuesday 12th Dec.

1. Yousef Ahmad Abu Sway, 28, from al-Khader village - Bethlehem. [an active member in Fateh Movement, the occupation troops assassinated him while he was standing in front of his house; shot 22 bullets at his head and in various areas of his body].

Wednesday 13th Dec.

Abbas Othman 'Ewewe, 26, from Hebron (Israeli occupation troops assassinated Abbas a Hamas cadre and an activist in Iziddin Qassam Brigades).

1st Lieutenant Muhammed Jamal Abu al-Ella, 25, from Rafah - Gaza (member of Palestinian security forces)* Ahmad Ismaeel Mteir, 44 from Rafah - Gaza (member of Palestinian security forces)*

Mahdi Muhammed Ekeileh, 27 from Khan Younes - Gaza (member of Palestinian security forces)*

Jaber Muhammed al-Sabe', 32 from Beit Hanoun - Gaza (member of Palestinian security forces)*

* A fierce battle lasted five hours between dozens of armed Palestinians and the occupation troops stationed at Tuffah checkpoint following the attempt by military tanks to break into the camp from the western side and when they started to demolish the houses located near the Israeli Liaison Office. Resulted in killing four Palestinian soldiers and injured 40 others, including 5 Palestinians suffering critical conditions.

Thursday 14th Dec.

1. Hani Hussein Abu Bakrah, 32, Rafah - Gaza [A member of Hamas - The Israeli military shot and killed while he was driving his min-bus taxi near Kitsofim Jewish settlement near Salah Ed-Deen Street in Rafah].

Friday 15th Dec.

1. Abdul Mu'een Ibrahim, 23 from Tal village - Nablus*

2. Muhammed Lutfi Qasem, 19 from Tal village - Nablus* Killed at 9:30 pm by Israeli occupation forces while they were heading to their village, the Israeli soldiers took their bodies to a military camp near Huwara village, without informing their families or anyone until yesterday morning after they deliver the two bodies to the Red Crescent.

3. Sa'ed Adham al-Kharouf, 35 from Nablus

4. Nehad Abu Hintesh, 28 from Salfit (member of PA National Security Forces)

5. Muhammed Ameen Dawoud, 18 from Haris village - Salfit

6. Nur Eddine Saeed Abu Safi, 22 from Shati Refugee Camp - Gaza

Saturday 16th Dec.

1. Mohammed Fahed Abdul Ghani Ma'ali, 70, from Ajjeh village - Jenin district [Shot by the Israeli army bullets when the army opened fire randomly at the youth in the village during the confrontations that erupted after Friday noon prayers].

Sunday 17th Dec.

1. Mohammed Hamed Shalash, 18 from Aboud village - Ramallah shot by a settler who was passing near the main road close]

2. Sameeh Mala'beh, 25, from Qalandia Refugee Camp - Jerusalem [assassinated in an explosion of in a remote area near Qalandia Refugee Camp last Saturday evening].

3. Ahmad al-Jaleel al-Qasaas, 40, from Gaza*

4. Iyad Mahmoud Mohammed Daoud, 27 from Gaza* The Israeli occupation soldiers stationed at a military site near Salah Eddin Gate and shot dead the 2 Palestinian citizens another one received serious injuries.

Monday 18th Dec.

1. Maj. Gen. Abdul Mu'ti Sab'awi, 55 from Gaza [deputy of Palestinian Police Chief for operations and training, died in an explosion while he was trying to diffuse an Israeli rocket launched by occupation troops last week in Der al-Balah and did not explode at that time].

Wednesday 20th Dec 2000.

1. Child Hani Yousef al-Soufi, 14, from Rafah - Gaza

2. Suleiman Marzouq Zu'rub, 18, from Rafah - Gaza

3. Sergeant Rifa't Abu Marzouq, 35, from Rafah - Gaza
2007-08-16 14:57:11 UTC
J'apprécie cette métaphore " porte-avions" pour cette entité belliqueuse!
2007-08-16 14:43:21 UTC
Comme Zoraheureuse.
2007-08-17 22:28:31 UTC
tres bonne analyse, j'ajouterai cette formule (je ne sais plus qui l'a appliquee a Israel) qui avait ete forgee pour la prusse : ce n'est pas un etat qui a une armee, c'est une armee qui a un etat
2007-08-17 15:23:58 UTC
la plus grande base américaine pour surveiller les arabes et protéger le sionisme ennemi déclaré de l'islam qui fait peur aux américains en promettant aux juifs la palestine. c'est clair comme l'eau de source.
2007-08-16 16:10:16 UTC
salam 3alikoum

tous les Musulmans doivent participer à la liberation de la fin du monde approche

Allah'ou ma tawafani chahidaa ....3ala ardhi falastine
2007-08-16 11:45:29 UTC

ça dépend de quel oeil on regarde!
2007-08-16 12:01:46 UTC
Plus débile , tu meurs !!!
The Extremist
2007-08-16 11:51:46 UTC
laisse ta propagande Palestinienne au vestiaire et écoute un peu plus ton Coeur d'être humain mon frere.

Convainc tes freres d'aimer les juifs comme les Juifs doivent enfin baisser les armes contre vous.j(ai 45 ans , et ai toujours entendu parler de vos peuples que comme soit , armée, militaire, terroriste, occupant, etc....

N'avez vous pas d'amour en vous ?
2007-08-17 06:19:36 UTC
N'as tu pas l'impression d'engendrer et d'entretenir la haine? Et vu les réponses à ta questions qui partent bcp ds tous les sens d'ailleurs, tu arrives très à faire ce que tu reproches chez les autres, en gros " faites ce que je dis mais pas ce que je fais", enfin si tu te rends bien comptes de ce que tu fais.
2007-08-16 12:34:04 UTC
combien de pays "Musulmans"sur cette planete, combien de pays "Israelites" sur cette planete, - Le calcul est simple,

comment se fait il qu aucun pays "mulsulmans" ne souhaitent acceuillir les palestiniens, et foutre la paix aux Israelites sur un bout de terre qu ils ont devoloppe de A a Z.

Je ne suis pas pour les colonies, ni sionniste, mais il faut qd meme regarder l Algerie, potentielle enorme dans tous les dommaines - et ils se tapent dessus, - On croit qd meme rever. et ils sont tous tres -

Que l etre humain est stupide avec ses convictions . La seule conviction que nous devrions avoir est son integration si l on souhaite vire dans un autre pays que le sien, le bien etre de son prochain et part deduction de soi meme.

Les religions sont la culture des imbeciles, et tout le monde suit

tes pourcentages sont tres impressionants, comme pour les elections ....

Je suis tres ouverte d esprit, je suis israelite, ne frequente pas bcp la communaute Juive, j aimerai ( vivant aux Usa ) qd je rentre en France, ne pas voire des femmes voilees dans les rues, ou ici a Miami ne pas voire des Israelites avec la Kippa,

La discretion, l humilite devrait etre notre premiere religion,
2007-08-16 11:57:07 UTC
Mon pauvre, tu n'en sais rien, ce n'est pas ces chiffres qui font de toi le coeur de la guerre pour tout savoir et juger. Je suis née d'un père pakistanais et d'une mère libanaise et je n'ai pas le même vis que toi. Tu n'es pas un bon citoyen, c'est même à ce demander si tu as ta place sur terre.. Pourquoi te donner la peine à écrire des textes aussi haineux plutôt que de demander la paix et de vivre en harmonie. C'est à cause de personnes comme toi que le monde va mal.

Je devrais te souhaiter bonne soirée mais mon coeur ne me le dit pas.
2007-08-17 00:16:36 UTC
Les religions ne devraient-elles pas au contraire faire en sorte que ceux qui la suive s'ouvre l'esprit et accepte autrui.

De temps en temps dans les pays musulmans, et trop souvent dans les pays ayant une immigration d'origine musulmane, les extremes dominent.

Aujourd'hui nous pouvons voir que les Musulmans reproduisent les meme conneries et proferent les meme ineptie que les Chretiens croises d'il y a 10 siecles!!!!! O' tempora o mores!!!!!!

Evoluons, pour le bien, par pour le mal.

Et soyons realiste lorsque nous parlons de ses ames desesperees qui trouvent la mort et que les Musulmans appelent des martirs!!!!! Pauvre terre, nous sommes en 2007 (ou 1428) et rien n'a change depuis l'age prehistorique, on se tape toujours dessus!!!!!

Une note positive toutefois, quel bel exemple que celui de Apa, pere Pakistanais et mere mixite favorise la tolerance, la comprehension et surtout l'intelligence d'esprit qui nous manque bien souvent a tous!!!!

Que Dieu vous benisse!


Sallahmelekum! (pardon, je ne parle pas Arabe, Shukran pour votre comprehension!!)
2007-08-16 15:50:59 UTC
tu devrais avoir honte!la violence engendre la violence!
2007-08-16 11:54:19 UTC
on ne t'empeche pas de rever, pour ton plaisir ou ta haine

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